Some time ago I had written an app that will constantly change
user/group/acct passwords every "n" seconds, minutes, hours, days etc.

The "n" timer is user defined. Control-Y is enabled if program run from a

Cobol source, TurboIMAGE data base, message file ...

Plug all the user.acct,group names into the data base and only the
passwords for those user.acct,group's will be randomly changed at interval
defined by "n" above.

It works...

If anyone would like a copy of this app let me know and I will send it onto

Brian Donaldson.

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:59:16 -0800, Newton, Ernie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Vladimir visited us last week and again raked me
>over the coals for inadequate securities.  It's an
>annual occurrence.  We are not the Department of Defense,
>but merely a educational site in California, so in
>my humble opinion we don't need to be locked down
>as tight.
>That being said, there are things I need to do.  I found
>some logons without passwords and am curious about any
>ramifications there may be if I put an account password
>there.  These seem to be "system" accounts that include;
>Are there problems with putting account passwords on these
>types of accounts?  Or, would it be better to put a
>user password?
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