On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:18:24 -0800, Shawn Gordon <[log in to unmask]>

>At 02:45 AM 11/24/2004, you wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Shawn Gordon [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>...The current president and parliament aren't doing anything to resolve
>>If something doesn't give soon there is going to be a civil war.
>>  It's getting a lot of mileage in Europe. And it looks as if there are
>>cracks in the Army and police, so there is
>>  hope of a peaceful and decent resolution. I note that Putin is
>>backtracking, now saying he only congratulated
>>  Yanukovich "on the basis of exit polls", which doesn't quite fit the
>>events, but if he needs
>>  a diplomatic get-out, what the hell. There are, apparently, lots of
>>security people in Ukrainian uniforms
>>  facing the demonstrators in Kiev. Their behaviour is probably key. It's
>>very tense, and as someone who remembers
>>  Prague in 1968 it's worrying that someone as autocratic as Putin is in
>>charge of Russia..
>I was talking some more with my guys in Kiev yesterday, they were down in
>the streets with the people and took a ton of very moving pictures.  He
>said he was amazed and pleased that the people were all very peaceful and
>friendly, he was very proud of his people.  This also is not getting any
>play on the Ukranian news, apparently almost all the newscasters have
>refused to read the copy given to them that is ignoring the crises and have
>walked off the jobs, there isn't even anyone left to read the news at some
>stations.  The biggest fear right now is the rumor of the russian special
>forces in ukranian uniforms since the ukranians won't move against their
>own people.
>News this morning is that another run off election is possible, the prez of
>poland is supposed to be heading over there to help out.

Could we send George over there to help out for the next, let's say 4 years?


>Shawn Gordon

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