I suppose that you were all there when this poor marine opend fire on this almost dead man.
I guess that with the events from the day before that when marines were picking up the dead loaded
with a bomb should not be an issue. War is ugly and makes you think more than twice. We cannot be the judge by what we have seen on a snipit of TV. If you were there and privy to the exact events then you may have an argument. In what I heard and saw from the brief TV reporting is that this marine was wounded in the day or days before he encountered these men and had knowledge of the bombs planted on the dead man the day before.
I would have done the same thing. War is Ugly

Kill or be Killed is the Motto

-------------- Original message from Wirt Atmar <[log in to unmask]>: --------------

> Greg writes:
> > Debate all you want to about whether the US should be in Iraq, but leave
> > this honorable young Marine out of it.
> And this is the point where the bullshit really rises. There was nothing
> honorable at all about what the Marine did. He committed nothing less than
> murder.
> While it may be the ultimate fiction that war can be conducted under an
> internationally sanctioned set of rules, nevertheless under the existing rules,
> he
> committed a war crime and should be fully prosecuted for it, perhaps spending
> a significant portion of his life in prison as a result.
> The distance between his actions and those of the American soldiers at My Lai
> is tissue thin, and none of it comes close to being honorable.
> Wirt Atmar
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