Hi Craig,

No, I did not start the network before running Patch/iX the second time.
I just rebooted the system, did a startspool and streams on the console
and launched patchix for the second time on the console.

Any other ideas?



-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Lalley [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 3:41 PM
To: Pascal Luyckx
Subject: Re: STMXL file in use when installing HP patch OSPM58A and patch
depe ndencies


Did you start the network before running Patch/iX a second time?

You should only

Logon on (console)

:startspool lp
:streams 10

:run patchix

That should work


--- Pascal Luyckx <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi HP3000-L list,
> I downloaded patch OSPMX58A and its patch dependencies for MPE/iX 7.0
> from the it resource center and installed it with Patch/iX. I updated
> the system from the CSLT tape and started the second phase of
> Patch/iX. Patch/iX then streams 3 installation jobs, but I encounter a
> problem with the installation of patch ODIMXQ2C. The following message
> is displayed on the
> console:
> *********************************************
> * STMXL.DIAG.SYS library is in use.         *
> * Critical diagnostics files will not be    *
> * able to be replaced if they are in use.   *
> * ODIMXQ2 C is unable to continue.          *
> *********************************************
> I check who is accessing the STMXL file :
> :listf stmxl.diag.sys,9
> ********************
> 1 Accessor(O:1,P:1,L:0,W:0,R:1),Share
> system  MANAGER.SYS                P:1,L:0,W:1,R:1      LDEV:
> #P52    (/usr/sbin/stm/uut/bin/sys/diagmond)
> ACCESS: R,X,L-gmulti      REC#: 0       FNUM: 22
> LOCKS: none
> I try to stop the diagmond process by executing STMSHUT.DIAG.SYS, but
> the diagmond process keeps on running. I then try to kill the process
> with the ABORTPROC command, but then my session is aborted.
> Is there any other way of killing the diagmond process?
> Regards,
> Pascal Luyckx
> Cheops technology nv
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