In article <[log in to unmask]>, Brian Donaldson
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Yeah, right. Next thing you'll be telling me is that Donald Trump is making
>too money too!
>In the words of "The Donald" -- YOU'RE FIRED !!!!
>On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 06:31:55 -0500, Alan Yeo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> In article <[log in to unmask]>, Brian Donaldson
>><[log in to unmask]> writes
>>>So remind me again why I should give DISC the ten grand they wanted for
>>>While I'm on the subject -- some time ago I had asked the Vesoft folks how
>>>much for Security/3000. I laughed when they told me.
>>>Anybody wanna hire me?
>>Not taking a pop, but any prospective hirers might laugh about the rate
>>you wanted, "what goes around comes around" :-(

Brian I seriously wasn't having a go at you, I was just trying to expose
the dichotomy of the different parts of your posting, however I think I
failed by being too terse.

What I was trying to say was that Software Companies who employ and pay
good wages to good technicians need to get revenue from their products
to pay those people, i.e. they need a fair return for their
investment/efforts. Likewise when you offer your services for sale you
need a fair return for your investment of time and your efforts.

Therefore it is not fair on one hand to criticise Software Companies for
charging for their efforts, whilst on the other indicating that perhaps
at the moment an opportunity of employment in the same field might be of

Undoubtedly for your domestic purposes "rolling your own" is by far the
most economic solution, and also the most intellectually rewarding.
However for a commercial organisation the purchase of a proven product
and all the back end support that goes with it may well be the most cost
effective and suitable solution.

One size doesn't fit all :-)


Alan Yeo
[log in to unmask]    Just because you're paranoid
Phone +44 1684 291710   it doesn't mean someone isn't!.
Fax   +44 1684 291712

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