Brian asks:
>I placed a posting regarding this problem some time ago but didn't
>receive any responses. So I will try again:
>When I get a Formspec or Vplus run time error I don't get the
>expected error message such as "Can't find next form". Instead, I
>will get a message such as "Formspec error 501".

I didn't do much research, but I did find this file which has
vplus error messages and happens to be opened by any vplus program
we currently have running on the system:

PUB.SYS>listf verrmsgs,9
2 Accessors(O:2,P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2),Share
#S1414  DAP,XXX.XXXXXX            P:1,L:0,W:0,R:1      REM : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
 #P261   (PP0002.XXXXXX.XXXXXXX)
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 1392                 FNUM: 34
    LOCKS: none

#S1408  WILL,XXX.XXXXXX           P:1,L:0,W:0,R:1      REM : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
   ACCESS: R-excl            REC#: 1392                 FNUM: 18
    LOCKS: none

Various data obscured with 'X' for security purposes. But, I
think you get the idea...


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