
what reason would the US (not UN but the US) chief weapons inspector have
not to tell the truth?


I don't know, but the artillery shells show he was wrong, and
were old enough to show Iraq kept them since 1991.  It even says
this existed, right after it says the WMD were given up.

The nuclear program was set back by the fact that there was not enough
fissionable nuclear material in Iraq to make a bomb.  How many years
it would take to collect enough again is anyones guess.


So, whats the real reason for the invasion?
Oil, the threat against Bush senior, ignorance or .....?


Or the fact that he had intel saying the estimates of WMD in Iraq were
larger that it turned out.  Me, I treat it as finishing the job started
in the first gulf war.

Most of this article is about Nuclear capability in Iraq, which I have not
taken issue with.

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