On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 08:18:28 -0700, Brice Yokem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Cities across the country are manipulating the results of tests used to
>detect lead in water, violating federal law and putting millions of
>Americans at risk of drinking more of the contaminant than their suppliers
>are reporting.
>The answer to this is simple for anyone living in these cities.  Go to the
>tap and take a sample of the water, take that water to a testing lab and
>se the results.  Even better, go to the press and have them do it, and
>publish the results.
Great idea. and then? buy water at the store. right.
just maybe it might be better to watch out a little bit more towards the
environment. I bet the stores where you buy your food and other things all
buy this "expensive" water from the stores in order to avoid the usage of
the "dangerous" water.
Didn't a certain president not say to long ago that mercury ain't that
dangerous either?

When did you test your water the last time?

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