On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 15:28:26 +1000, David Strike
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:31 AM, Russ wrote:
>> Strike's computer has gone Tango Uniform and it seems he's lost all of
>your email addresses, including his login info and the lot.  I've posted
>the Scuba-SE info, but Jeff it would be great if you contacted him
>also...I've already sent your email address to him as a precaution.
>So much for bloody four-leaf clovers'!  :-)

Talk about SNAFU!!!

I got TWO e-mail in my Yahoo mail-box, which I DON'T use for my

One was from LISTSERV of Scuba-SE about my "signoff" -- which was
probably sent by some asshole (there are more than one in this list)
such as that Daniel L Crawford (jan's ass-kisser) who posted here
with the fake name of Robert Lung.

Then there was an e-mail from Strike, about updating my address into.
When I click the box to update, it DIDN'T WORK (because it wanted
to send before I updated anything).  :-)

So, I replied -- but the return email address with some kind of plaxo
nonsense didn't look like an email address -- so it probably went down
the cyber Black Hole bit-bucket.

> (I was previously
>using Windows 98 - now I've got XP and I'm damned if I can configure all
>bits on the screen settings to get it back to the 'user friendly' way that
>it was!)

I've been using Windows XP on my last THREE laptops and desktops.
Never had to configure anything.  :-)))  <That's essentially true,
though not 100% true>

I think it must be the AUSSIES who sold you the PC that is user-

>(I also can't believe how long it's been since I did a back-up of
>anything!!!!!)  :-))

Likewise here.  I think it was some time during the past millennium
that I backed up something (on some antique storage device <zip drive>
which I can no longer retrieve).  :-)  Never lost anything worth
saving.  Groups.google.com save most of my postings and my old
emails are scattered in five different computers that are still ailve,
but seldom used, just in case I needed to retrieve something.

I almost forgot.  I have on invaluable piece of software (called
Speakeasy -- by far the BEST software language for mathematical
computing) on the laptop I took to Cocos Island, the one on which
the birds shit on.  It is STILL working -- vintage 1990.

XP has automatic history of system updates.

>Anyway!  My grateful thanks for the address book updates.  It's very much
>appreciated.  :-)

If you didn't receive mine, you know I TRIED.  It's your system's

-- Bob.