Why? It happened while GWB was president.
Just as 9/11 because he was at his ranch reading comics instead of doing
his job and reading memo's about terrorist that are in flight-training and
Seems like GWB missed alot. Of course, he was on vacation alot and
otherwise on fund-raisers and campaign.
When did he do the job he was appointed?
Send him back to his ranch to go fishing with buddy Cheney and let somebody
else at least try. GWB failed and is a failure.


It happened long before GWB was president, NK just came out of the closet
abotu it recently.  This is the result of giving them a pass on this for
a long time.  Certianly President Clinton and his Buddies in Communist
China were willing to look the other way.  Looks like we have another
war to finish.

I don't know if GWB reads comics.  I'll bet that is where you get most
of your information though, does 'The Daily Worker' have a comics page?

Most of the planning and preparation for 9-11 happened before GWB took
office.  The previous holder of the office was playing grabass with Monica
while this was going on.

I might be willing to give Kerry a try, if I knew what he was going to do.
He is both for and against the war in Iraq.  He wants to get out, but
rebuild Iraq when we aren't there with no money to do it.  I don't know
what his plans are other than do and say 'whatever it takes to get
elected'.  Even Democrat political analysts are telling him this is
a failure.

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