NASA is holding right now a conference on exploration and risk at the Naval
Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA at the behest of the NASA
Sean O'Keefe. The central question of this symposium is to discuss the
nature of
human exploration, its inherent risks, and whether or not it can or should
conducted robotically.


Wirt -

Wow!  Is this the same NASA that launched the Mars probes that crashed
at 3B$?

Is this the same NASA that quoted a B$ figure for a reusable space
vehicle then it was done by a private enterprise for a M$ figure?

Since the job of NASA has become to employ armies of bureaucrats, I am not
sure I am going to put much faith in any study doen by them.




The fact that tax rates are higher in Europe is well known.  The difference
between them and USA taxes hardly amounts to 'extremely low taxes' in the
USA.  I also note your link leaves out local taxes, tariffs, the effect of
regulation on driving up prices, government unfunded mandates which
cost money, ad nauseam.

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