<<The people in Iran do not get to vote, right?  The people
>in Israel do vote, right? >>

What's wrong with not being able to vote? Who cares?

People in the USA shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

Look at the psychotic idiots they *do* vote into office...

A Texan redneck psycho responsible for the Iraqi debacle... (among other

An Austrian immigrant meat-head girly-man actor -- wanna-be President who
becomes Governor of California... maybe not so pyschotic but he isn't
President yet (probably never will be, Thank God!) thanks to the

Back in 1970 John Lennon sang "Power ToThe People".

Gimme a break! People are idiots. Like I said, look at the idiots "the
people" vote into office...

Enuff said.....

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 19:05:24 -0400, Brice Yokem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>There are no democracy's in the Middle East, Israel is like Iran a
>Explain.  The people in Iran do not get to vote, right?  The people
>in Israel do vote, right?
>I have no doubt that the absence of freedom is a prime motivator for the
>of terrorism unfortunately one's freedom very often is in conflict with
>another's freedom. There must be some way in the clash of freedoms can be
>resolved. GWB and company I suspect we're attempting to try a different
>approach (as you pointed out) however attacking Iraq didn't and doesn't in
>any way resolve the clash of freedoms which is the source of conflict in
>Middle East.
>Terrorism is a strategy and because of that war cannot be declared on it
>it cannot be defeated. Terrorism is not a person, group of people nor a
>country. Action can be taken against the use of terrorism and the people
>groups that use it however those actions must include much more than the
>military force.
>The attack on Afghanistan did put a crimp in the terrorist plans of the
>Taliban.  Some already existing terrorist cells have been activated as
>a result, but that would have happened sooner or later anyway.  This
>terrorism as a result of lack of freedom doesn't wash with me.  Terrorism
>exists because there are people who plan and intitiate terrorist acts
>from a place of safety.  They know how to do this, it is their job.
>They do not want the conflict to end because they would then be out of
>a job.  As far as Iraq is concerned, it remains to be seen what kind of
>government will prevail there, if it is a stable democracy, then I expect
>the 'terror' against other democracies to subside.
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