In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
> Wirt,
> What you fail to understand is "Terrorism".  If one is oppressed it is best to
> take that aggression out on the oppressors, not innocent bystanders.

It probably would be best but it's hardly practical since you're usually
opressed by a superiour force - otherwise you wouldn't be opressed.

Who are the opressors anyway?  They army?  The government?  The people
who voted the government in?

> The "peaceful" Muslims leaders would do best to denounce these actions.

They do.

> But
> hatred starts young in these cultures.

> See...
> Cleric supports targeting children

He's widley denounced by the Muslims as mentioned in the article.  You
seem to be suggesting that his view is that of Muslim leaders in general
where in reality he's an outcast.

> I have said it before, the violence will stop, when terrorist's learn to love
> their children more than they hate the infidels.

What if your terrorist has had his/her children killed by opressors who
are too well armed to act against directly.  Or, they love their
children so much that they are willing to do these things in order to
protect them from opressors?

That's why you usually get terrorisim - the terrorists or their culture
has been terrorised in some way by a superiour force.



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