Senator Kerry's positions on things are very difficult to pin down.  If
I, a political junkie of sorts, can't say with any degree of certitude
where Kerry stands on the war on terror (AKA WW IV,) the economy, health
care, taxes and homeland security, and this after watching the
Democratic convention, then the average person is probably totally in
the dark.



I have not found it hard to pin down Senator Kerry's position on the

War on Terror - George W Bush has been doing it all wrong, even though
Kerry voted in favor of much of it.

The Economy - We will tax ourselves into prosperity by creating more
give-away programs for voting blocks which favored Kerry's election.

Health Care - Socialized Medicine will solve all the health care problems.

Taxes - See The Economy above.

Homeland Security - These are government employees, and by providing
job security for them they will vote for Kerry in the election.

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