On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 David Strike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Bjorn has been back in Sydney for two work-related days this week, so we,
>(Huw - who,with Suzanne, is now a 'Sydney-sider' - has an apartment in
>Manly with views of Shelly Beach and Sydney Harbour) met up for a beer
>at, "The Stinky Drain" pub last night. :-)

Good one ... I love Manly.

>Bjorn advised that Viv - who passed through Singapore on her way to
>Sipadan last week - refused to drink any of the "Silk Worm Tonic" that
>he's put aside for visiting Scuba-SE members.  This is sad!  I was
>hoping that it would all be gone before my next trip to Singapore! :-)))

Hee, hee .. do I look look silly .. why waste that *good* plonk on
someone like me .. I gladly assigned you my share with lotsa luv ;-))