OK, so you got us.  The Iraqi's were hiding half a can of "RAID", but the
spray nozzle was clogged.


Make a deal with you Mr Gates...

I will take a lungful of "RAID" I found in a home and garden store.
You take a lungful of the "RAID" they found in Iraq, after cleaning
the nozzle...

Then both of us will sit down and talk about WMD in Iraq for 30 minutes.


This sort of thing has become standard right-wing, Republican fare over the
last 20 years. It began with Bush I's preying on the fears of excessively
fearful people with the use of the Willie Horton ads and has continued up
to and
throughout all of the last presidential election.


Mr Atmar, you only notice this when a Republican does it.  The Repubicans
are newcomers when it comes to this kind of campaigning.  This has been
how to win elections for much longer than 20 years.

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