donna (et. al.),

> 3) i think a general discussion about patches would be useful as well.
> i think everyone is aware that patches are having a hard time making
> their way to gr status.  i know it's got a lot of people frustrated,
> but i'm not sure there's a good understanding about why.  again, if you
> have a comment, please post it back to the list for summarization at
> the meeting.

Although I really don't know, I'm guessing one reason may be the lack
of qualified beta testers.  If that is the case, then that becomes a
double edged sword.  On one hand no one wants HP to GR a patch
that hasn't been sufficiently tested, but on the other if fewer and
fewer shops have the ability to participate in the beta program,
fewer and fewer GR patches will make it out the door.  A middle
ground may be found by including the beta as an unsupported patch
made available on JAZZ and include the results of those people opting
that route in the decision to GR a patch.  That's just one thought, but
the wider issue is simply to get more people into the beta in the
first place.

Michael L Gueterman

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