This is just a news flash.  Details will have to await confirmation
from OR Robert Lung himself.

--- Robert Lung <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 18:13:46 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Robert Lung <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Hey stupid
> To: [log in to unmask]
> I'm not CPR, whoever that is.  Use the
> were on the right track for awhile.  < snip >

I stand corrected by the REAL Robert Lung (Dan Crawford) himself.
I followed the wrong "Boob" clue.

I should have thought of the missing link of Jan Faust who brought
out Robert Lung to tell Andy Johnson "Fuck you" when Andy made some
remark about Jan's appearance in Scuba-SE!

Robert Lung is of course

          Daniel L. Crawford ([log in to unmask])

the Chicken Shit ass-kisser of Jan Faust (since the Scuba-L days
of the last century), who was one of my most devout worhipper (in
flaming me in Scuba-L), and this year (in Scuba-SE).

He should have quit before the Andy Johnson episode!

I offer to eat the biggest crow pie anyone can make, or the largest
hat anyone can find in Texas if Robert Lung is NOT Daniel L.Crawford.

      < you have his real name and address now
        to find out first hand from him while I wait for his
        reply to the email he sent to my Yahoo address >

I have also found definitive PROOF of Chuck Hopf's involvement with
Robert Lung and proof of everything I said in my post:

RF>  The unmistaken CLUE that Chuck was the villant was that I was
RF>  unable to get a listing of the subscribers to Scuba-SE when we
RF>  moved from Scuba-L, and Chuck was the acting Owner when Jeff was
RF>  sick, and Chuck went in the "concealed" list and found that I
RF>  had misspelled "Ling" as "Lung" in one of my previous SE userids,

That's the ONLY way Daniel Crawford could have gotten my
[log in to unmask] subcription address that had been dorment in
Scuba-SE for YEARS!

Sun, 17 Mar 2002 09:56:02 -0600, Chuck wrote to me,

Starting with release 1.8 of the LISTSERV software, the default
value for REVIEW was set to PRIVATE which is where it is set
right now.  That means that only subscribers can issue the
REVIEW command.

Since you are subscribed as:
[log in to unmask]

[log in to unmask] is not going to be able to issue the

As I said, the [log in to unmask] could have been STOLEN by
Daniel L Crawford ONLY through Chuck Hopf!  It was CONCEALED and
had been CONCEALED since the old Scuba-L days.

RF>  and Chuck took it upon himself to make a change in my then current
RF>  userid of "Large Nassau Grouper", and MISSPELLED Nassau when he
RF>  he made the change (which was how I knew Chuck was in there
RF>  messing around)!

 Sun, 17 Mar 2002 10:03:05 -0600, Chuck wrote,

I bet if you try it again it will work. I added
[log in to unmask] to the list of subscribers.

I asked Chuck HOW MUCH he would bet, because it still didn't work!
It was then that *I* discovered (from the Review LIST Chuck sent)
that he had MISSPELLED "Nassau" as "Nassua":

>   [log in to unmask]   (No Name Available)

Chuck put that in the UNCONCEALED list and that was the only reason
I knew he misspelled Nassau!

Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 14:13:11 -0600, Chuck wrote,

There was no entry in the list as large_nassau_grouper until I added
one.  Unless I have gone completely blind.  I am not quite sure
what is going on but I will figure it out.

*I* figured it out for Chuck!

Chuck now said,

CH>  I have done (other than trying to help you out) nothing to any
CH>  names in the membership list. Go ahead.  Prove your assertion.
CH>  You cant because it did not happen.

See the PROOF above, Chuck!  You've done NOTHING to any names in
the mmebership list?

How did Dan Crawford get my [log in to unmask] posting ID from
the concealed membership list??

Was it not YOU who misspelled Nassau as Nausua in

>   [log in to unmask]   (No Name Available)

and later corrected the spelling AFTER I tipped you off to your error?

That's all I have to say about Robert Lung and Chuck Hopf for now!
Two lying chicken shits!

Da Feeesh.