Shawn, you wrote :

> Yea, I bet those people in Iraq really hate us right now.

Too right they do. Don't you realise that they can't wait
to see the back of the US forces? Not to mention all the
"executives" who have moved in to "redistribute" all their
oil wealth.


Saddams supporters hate us, the rest are glad we got rid of
the Baathist thugs and are now in the process of trying to
govern themselves.  They might not love us, but are glad
we did what we did.

There used to be more pro-US people there, but were eliminated
whaen we didn't finish the job after the first war.


> You know, I'd really love it if the US were to withdraw
> all aid to all countries for a couple of years, take
> care of ourselves and then you can tell us how much you
> hate us.

The whole business of "aid" to foreign countries has been
used by the US (and other countries) for a long time to
sow influence abroad. Don't you understand that the "aid"
involved is usually as a result of policies left over from
the Cold War when the US and Russians were dividing up the
globe by establishing zones of influence or for the sake
of achieving another, perhaps military or intelligence


Aid usually comes with strings attached, true.


> Let's look at some facts about the US:

> The United States of America has set more people free than
> any other country in the history of mankind. We all know
> about World War II,

What a stupid comment and one that has been covered before
so I wont bother.


Yes, we all know the USA did not have a thing to do with
liberating the world fromt he Nazi's or the Japanese


> In Eastern Europe, the policies of Ronald Reagan led to
> the freeing of at least 122 million people from Soviet
> domination.

By saying "freeing", I presume you mean free to participate
in the capitalist system that already existed in Western
Europe although it was a bit like someone coming to a
high-stakes poker table with $.50. Do you really think the
US is popular there?


I think the US is unpopular with those who benefitted from
the old way of doing things.  Those countries are perfectly
free to go back to the leting the Reds manage things.
They are better off now, even with their $.50

And I don't think the Poker game analogy is
very appropriate.


> More than 48 million South Koreans remain free because
> of American protection. Nearly 23 million Taiwanese remain
> free because of American protection.

South Korea, along with Taiwan, are the main US footholds in
the East and they are obviously worth a lot of defence bucks
to retain. Do you really think the US is popular there?


We should be, since having us there is beter than having
North Korea.


> The state of Israel and five and a half million Jews would
> be crushed by its enemies if not for American aid.

Don't you think that the support for Israel causes far more
hate for the US in the various and many Arab countries?


No.  I think the hate for the USA comes more from terrorist
groups fanning the flames of discontent and anti-USA


> Yea, we are soooo evil.

Do you really believe all the stuff you posted above?
I think you should take time out to take a trip around the
world and sample the actual feeling of people in other
countries concerning the United States. However, it might
be a shame to burst your bubble. Why should you change the
habit of a lifetime and consider what really goes on in
countries other than the US?


John Dunlop

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