"Robert Mills" wrote:
> I'm looking for a file viewer that will let me look at the FULL contents
of a spoolfile in Hex and Ascii.
> Please DON'T suggest that I use :FCOPY (with ;CHAR;HEX options) as it does
not give you the whole story. I.E. it hides the control code data from you.

The MR;NOBUF technique that Paul suggested in another response gives you the
ultimate down-and-dirty display, but there's a simpler approach that might
give you everything you're looking for.  Check out the PRINTSPF utility
(documented in the Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual).  It'll give you a
nicely formatted display of the special spool file records that you don't
normally see.

However, if you want to see the hex codes for non-printing characters in the
actual data you are sending to the printer, PRINTSPF won't show that to you.


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