Dear UTC community:


I have a friend who will marry in December.  She would like to ride away
from her reception in an antique car.  Neither she nor the groom wishes to
drive the car, but would much rather pay the owner to drive them.  They will
only want about a 15 minute ride from Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church
to the vicinity of the Incline Railway Parking Lot (wherein their own
vehicle will be stashed).  The antique car, of course, WILL NOT be decorated
by vandals who also usually serve in the ceremony as groomsmen.  This short
drive will take place on December 4 at approximately 9:00 p.m.  If you are
interested, or if you know someone who might be willing to lend his/her
services, please contact the bride at (423) 580-7463.  


Thank you,




Tyson R. Land

Library Associate II

Supervisor: Stacks Maintenance and Student Workers


The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Lupton Library

Dept. 6456

615 McCallie Ave.

Chattanooga, TN  37403-2598


Voice:  (423) 425-2124

Circulation Desk:  (423) 425-4501


Website:   <>