Anyone that enjoys folk art might enjoy this.....

A Folk Art Celebration
Celebrating the union of Chattanooga's MoonPie and folk art's Missionary
Mary Proctor
Saturday, July 17th
noon - 9:30pm
Pearls Folk Art Gallery - 202 Tremont Street in North Chattanooga

Help kickoff MoonPie's new marketing program featuring renowned folk
artist, Missionary Mary Proctor,
from Tallahassee Florida.  Missionary Mary has been featured in the New
York Times, Smithsonian Magazine and museums across the world!

Noon - 6:30pm
Meet & Mingle with Missionary Mary Proctor

4:00 - 6:30pm
Moon Pie Events for Kids

6:30 - 9:30pm
Reception with the artists

** MoonPies ** RC Colas ** Folk Art ** Fun **

For more information, call Pearls Folk Art at 267-6779.

You can see Missionary Mary's work at: