On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:03:23 -0400, Tim Cummings
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Are the American consumers subsidizing the other markets' consumers?
>You bet! but not just with pharmaceuticals.  The list is endless.  These
>people live in their price controlled arena's and wait for the US spend the
>time and money to develop these life saving drugs.  Then they reap the
>benefits with cheap prices.   Here we are, the most generous country in the
>world, and it's not enough.  People still hate us.  Go figure!

I am so glad that this country consists of nothing but Angels.
I now know why it is "god's own country". God was really an American ;-)
You and god are such good buddies and of course George.
You'll go straight to heaven and there meet all the Moslem that think the

BTW, ready for the military draft?
wonder how all these chicken-hawks feel when they join and eat the dust.
But there is always Daddy and the Texas NG-Ai-force, right ;-)

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