We too are using Speedware/AMXW on Unix and have one of our application
groups desperate for more control over the job scheduling with commands like

Currently we use the NLBATCHCMD and NLATCMD environment variables to run our
own scripts that do the at/batch scheduling to read a config file that
identidies which 'at' queue to place various jobs in by jobname, user name,
and account.  We have configured our 'cron' queues so that some can run
multiples and others are single threaded.

We also built our own ABORTJOB process to kill active pins of the currently
executing job.  AMXW's ABORTJOB only knows how to 'atrm' to remove a job
that hasn't started executing yet.

All that works fairly well until we get to our last major application group
that insists on dynamicly being able to adjust priorities of already
scheduled jobs and and execution order based on the order the jobs were

We are probably going to have to throw out cron/at/batch entirely in the
next few months.

I don't know if any of that mitigates your need for dynamic control.

I too am interested in other options as replacements for the cron/at/batch
based scheduling AMXW uses by default.
Rick Ingham
rdingham at comcast dot net
"Colin Berg" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Hhi All,
> We are currently converting our system from the HP3000 platform across
> to the HP9000.
> While the applications conversion is not that difficult (Speedware and
> COBOL) the main problem we have come across is the conversion of our
> existing JCL to Unix Scripts.
> WE currently take extensive advantage of MPE commands such as
> LIMIT (To allow only one job to run at a time)
> JOBFENCE (To defer jobs in the queue)
> INPRI (To set job prioritieswithin the job queue)
> Has anyone got any recommendations or packages that can be run on the
> HP9000 to gives us the same or similar functionalty as the HP3000.
> Any other comments regarding job control on the HP9000 would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Colin Berg
> McWilliam's Wines Pty Limited
> Chullora, SYDNEY
> Australia
> [log in to unmask]

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