I wasn't going to comment on the election, but everyone else has, so why

Many of you are right.  The vote count _is_ irrelevant.  On the other hand
members of the group would like to know what the vote totals are.  SO LET
THEM KNOW.  How they use the knowledge is unimportant.  Maybe they just
want to get the autograph of the "winner" on their copy of the AICS

The board members who have sent missives talking about "precedence" [sic]
and their concerns about how people will use the vote count data haven't
just missed the point, they're not even in the point's neighborhood.
There have been any number of complaints about the lack of "openness" of
the OpenMPE organization (NDAs, no commmunication, yada yada).  To make an
issue of a simple request for information (vote totals), which, while
without precedent for this organization, finds a veritable motherload of
precedents in the outside world, simply reinforces the belief that the
OpenMPE board has no interest in being "open" at all.  A board position is
as much a political position as a functional one.  The board members
should recognize this and act (and speak) accordingly.

Of course those pleading for information can wait until the board meets.
I think they just have a hard time understanding why this action requires
a meeting.

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 07:11:42 -0400, Birket Foster <[log in to unmask]>
wrote (in one very long sentence:)

> Re: OpenMPE Elections ResultsCan you at least wait till we meet ... that
> will be later today .... maybe you would like to invest in Open-MPE by
> sending money to help fund some projects that we are working on ...
> the "election" only garnered 103 people voting real support is in money
> to make the objectives happen - these will cost 100's of $1000 so send
> me a note and I will tell you where to send your money.