The premise of your comment is that Mankind is fundamentally aggressive
towards itself.  If this were true, why is it that numerous studies of the
behaviour of soldiers in combat demonstrates or, at least, points to Mankind
being fundamentally averse to killing their own?  The only human types that
fulfil your premise are psychopaths.

The unanimous consent you speak of is already built into our genes.


Richard -

There are other things built into our genes also, and it does not take
a psycopath for this to manifest itself.  Soldiers have years of
rigorous training in order to become soldiers, this is to override
these 'other' impulses.

Chuck -

I think you are making a mistake by including Islam in your 'any act
is acceptable' statement.  Islam doesn't say that.  People who want
power over others use religion (and Islam is only one of many) and
twist it to their own purposes.  Socialism, however, is an outgrowth
of Marxist thought, and has an element of 'the end justifys the means'
in it.  So there is a plausible basis for including Socialism in your

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