Guess thats why they pay you the "big bucks"!!!

"HP doesn't see the need to make a decision this year, said David Wilde,
HP's e3000 business manager, who stressed that the company must act in
"the best overall interest" of the e3000 user base.
Wilde said a decision to license the source code might prompt some
customers to replace their transition plans with an alternative that may
not meet their needs, simultaneously hurting HP business partners that
provide migration services. "We don't help anybody if we do damage to
that overall value chain," he said. "

I take this to mean "If we make it easier for people to homestead on
MPE, they will be unlikely to migrate, perhaps to our HP-UX systems
which will lose us money".

How can concern about damaging the "overall value chain" really be
serving the best interests of the HP3000 community?


I've been living in Texas for two and a half months. We are still doing
house fix up but the worst is over. Patty is still waiting for me to
finish a spice rack. And the lawn is starting to need attention..


Steve Macsisak
972 422 2038

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