On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:42:17 -0800, Newton, Ernie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>the anniversary is approaching and I thought this
>was a fascinating yet somber web site.
>Makes you realize how fast life can change...
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I would take everything on this web site with a pinch of salt.
all the photos on this girl's web site do truly reflect how the Ukraine
truly looks. Not necessarily caused by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, but its
economic departure from the "mighty" and "powerful" U.S.S.R.

Everything I saw in that country was living proof that Communism was
nothing but a load of old propaganda b/s. Its people are literally starving
to death because of the poverty in their country. It's even worse there in
winter time.

I have visited the Ukraine three times back in 2001 and am still not dying
of cancer or any other fatal Chernobyl-induced diseases.

Of course, my trip took me into Kiev (airport at Borispol) and further
south in Kirovograd (about half way between Kiev and Odessa).

When I was in Kirovograd I thought I had stepped into a town that had just
been occupied by Nazi Germany the day before. This town is so poverty
stricken it was so obvious it has never recovered from World War II, never
mind the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

I enjoyed my visits there in summer time but was never so glad to board the
plane that took me back to Amsterdam and freedom.

At least in this country if you lose your job you have unemployment,
welfare, food stamps and so on. Lose your job in the Ukraine and you
promptly starve to death!

Brian Donaldson.

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