
what is not Bill Clinton's fault?
At least of the things that happend in the last 10 years?

please let me know.

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:39:30 -0500, Brice Yokem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>that is awsome. I didn't know.
>Then the real war-president is Bill Clinton.
>then as the war continues, we definitely need another Democrat in the White
>House, cause the Republicans didn't do anything in the last couple years.
>It was still all Bill Clinton or was it Hillary in disguise?
>Is Bill = George?
>Aw, so George not only didn't show up for NG duty, he didn't show up at the
>White House either and Bill just stayed.
>You are too funny.
>You are the one who is funny, Michael.
>President Clinton is the one who shot up the Middle East like a loose
>cannon and he is the main reason Al-Qaeda got angry enough with us to
>retaliate on 9-11.
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