Craig Lalley <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message news:<[log in to unmask]>...
> I figure I might as well post it to the whole group.
> Cary,
> After the initial startup, Logon as MANAGER.SYS at the console. Using
> DSTAT ALL, LDEV 2 showed being in an UNKNOWN state. Use debug as follows
> with n being the drive LDEV (2 in my case):
>       Debug
>       >msec #n.0,8
>       >msec #n.100,40
>       >exit
> There will be a lot of prompts for each line and enter zero to each one.
> This resets the drive header information.
> Go into VOLUTIL. Use the NEWVOL command to add the drive to the volume
> set. CAUTION: Use a different Member name so that you won't get a duplicate
> member name message and have to start all over (like I did). I used Membr2
> instead of Member2. Exit VOLUTIL. DSTAT ALL should show the new drive
> properly.
> Hope that helps, but you can call me if you need to.
> Regards,
> -Craig
> The information comes from a post by Paul Edwards after I sent him a script I
> got from Stan. S.

Thanks so much for the response.  I used the debug commands you
specify and they did seem to clear the drive headers.  I could see the
set name and member name info in those fields as I entered 0 for all
of them.  Unfortunately, I am still unable to initialize a new volume
on these drives (there are two ST336938LW disks I am trying to use.)
The same halt occurs.  Here's what I have tried since then:  I have
removed the HPC2474S disks from the box, just in case they were
causing a problem.  I found an old Quantum Fireball 2.1gb 50pin disk
and hooked it up as LDEV1 and did another install from my SLT.  (by
the way, in case it matters, this is on MPE/ix 6.0, no patches)  It
took the install just fine with only a warning that it wasn't an
MPE/ix disk.  I assume that was just informational, as the install
blew away whatever was on that disk and made it master of the system
volume set.  No problems there, the box came up fine following the
install.  Then I tried to attach the LW drives and add them to a new
user set and I got the same halt.  I then tried just having one of the
LW drives attached and it still halted.  Then I tried the other one by
itself.  No dice.... So, just for giggles, I hooked up one of the LW
drives as id 6 and had only it and the DDS on the bus and did another
install from the SLT.  I got the same warning that it was not an
MPE/ix disk, but then to my surprise, it stated it was truncating it
to 4gb and proceeded to do the install without further problems.  I
was almost about to think of this as some ray of hope, until the first
start norecovery following the install halted when it tried to mount
the system disk.  Almost an identical error, but system abort 2024
(rather than the 2029 I have been getting consistently) from subsystem
145.  So here I am.  I think these drives should work.  The fact that
everything shows up properly in mapper makes me think that I have my
SCSI bus properly terminated and everything in order, but I don't know
that for sure.  I do have an external terminator on the back of the SE
card, but I am unsure of the things on the internal cable.  I have to
assume it was correct in the first place when the HPC2474S disk that
was LDEV1 was at the end of the cable, as this is how the box always
was and it was fine.  I assume that that ancient drive had the jumper
set to self terminate.  However, when I removed it from the bus, the
DDS drive is at the end of the bus and I don't know that it has such a
jumper.  It does have a term power jumper but that is not the same
thing.  Everything shows up in mapper whether that jumper is set or
not.  There is also some question in my mind as to the jumper settings
on the LW drives.  It has the typical term power jumper, which I do
not have set, and it also has an interesting jumper that says "force
single ended."  According to Seagate's manual, this forces the drive
to operate in SE mode.  Having it un-jumped lets the host controller
tell the drive how to operate.  I don't know whether I should or
shouldn't jump this, but the drive won't mount either way, I've tried
it both ways.  All of this is not the end of the world by any means,
this is a test box and the LW drives were sitting around.  Rather than
buy drives, I decided to get the adapter and give them a whirl after
reading comments on this list that they should work.  It is possible
that the adapter is the source of the problem, however, I have used it
with another Quantum Atlas 2.1gb 68 pin drive (which I don't think is
LVD, by the way) and it worked fine.  I was able to use the drive and
add it to both a user volume set and to the system volume set.  So I'm
left with only a few possible conclusions: (of course, based on my
limited knowledge of MPE....;-0 ) 1.) Something about those particular
ST336928LW drives is just not going to work on my old 967LX's SE bus.
2.) Something about the LVD drive and the adapter I'm using is causing
a problem. 3.) Something isn't right with termination or some other
basic SCSI problem on my SE bus.  or  4.) Possibly a bug in 6.0 based
on the fact that the drive is visible, can have an install and a
formatvol done to it, but simply won't mount.

Sorry this is so long winded but I figured some of you may find it
interesting.  Your comments are welcomed and greatly appreciated.


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