On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 15:19:19 +0200, Kuty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>At 3/16/2004 12:44 PM -0500, Huw wrote:
>>So, for those on the list that use spools, has anyone got any technique
>>tips, or is it just a question of practice, practice, practice?
>Might I suggest, very humbly of course, that a spool is not such a great
>idea?  I even searched the net and found JJ's tips (on GUE's site) and I
>got the impression that although he recommends a spool, he also said that
>it had its problems.  So I guess that you are clear DIR wise :-)

I think I found the bit you mean - but DIR-Fundamentals is quite clear on
the requirement for a spool for dsmb use.

>I've used spools reels and other atrocities and reached the conclusion that
>the least problematic with gloves is a big SIMPLE reel.  The smaller ones
>and the complicated ones with an automatic clutch etc. tend to make your
>life miserable with those gloves.  I, personally, don't like spools at all
>due to their tendency to fall from my hand and start rolling down,

Bingo... :-)  It is that extra action of locking off with the double ender
every time you want to relax your grip that leads to difficulties.  And is
likely to be the first thing to go by the board under mild taskloading
(buoyancy troubles, buddy appearing in your face signalling out of gas...)
and ...oooops, there goes the spool into the depths. :-)

>when I
>am doing deco and REALLY hate to chase it downwards :-)  But that's
>probably only clumsy me.

That makes at least two of us. :-)
