On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 Reef Fish <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>This list has been rather quiet lately.
>I ran across this post, which I thought was thought-provoking, in
>an unlikely newsgroup, rec.travel.air.  @-)
>Begin ----->
>Now that homos can marry each other and marriage no longer means union
>between a man and a woman I was thinking, I really love my dog, he
>loves me, we've been together for 5 years (long term commited
>relationship) and we plan on spending the rest of our lives together.
>Can I marry my dog?
>Also, my neighbor has a Burmese python that he feels the same way
>about.  Can they get married?
>End ------->
>The new possibilities seem endless.  Wotdayya fink?

Well, each to their own tastes I guess ;-)
Hmmm, in my case my preference is for my cat ... he's loverrrrrly and
looks after himself most of the time.  Low maintenance :-)
Just requires a brush now and again .... plus a feed him twice a day.
Wot more can I gal wish for eh ;-)