A little while back, I posted a message stating the media bias in Europe
was far worse than what we experience here in the US.  Recently a few
items came to my attention that heavily supports my statements.  The
first link below will lead you to a story about a French journalist who
recently wrote a book detailing how 5 major newspapers in France were
presenting an incredibly biased view of the recent war in Iraq.  It was
so biased that if you only got your news from these sources, you would
not understand how the US liberated Baghdad in just 3 weeks with so few


The newspaper that employs the author of the book showed typical
FredWhitian open-mindedness in its reaction and promptly sacked the
journalist.  In yet a further display of FredWhitian unbias, none of the
newspapers even acknowledge the book.  BTW, I plan to get this book and
will provide a short synopsis after I read it.

The next item is even more ironic.  You should remember that the BBC or
Beeb International service cut away to an innocuous story just before
the statue of Saddam was torn down.  Unable to spin the truth to fit its
whimsies, the BBC has now issued an edict to its reporters on how they
should refer to Saddam Hussein from now on.  Read it here:


And finally, as many newspapers and media outlets are wont to do at the
end of the year, National Review posted a recap of the European press
shenanigans over the last year.  Now, please remember that National
Review is NOT a news organization; it prints editorials from various
conservative writers on the current news and the arts. Enjoy.


Happy, safe and prosperous New Year to all.


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