Hello Folks @ 3000-l,
RE: FTP vs.. DSCOPY performance.

I hope everyone had a happy holiday season!  I have returned to Atlanta from the wild wild west afer short stays in Tombstone, Sonna, Flagstaff & Phoenix Airzona!

I had a chance to run some test over the holidays and evaluate FTP vs. DSCOPY performance....  Here are my findings:

Test file set:
FILENAME  CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----
                  SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX
TEST1G8A           80B  FA    13421772   13421772   3  4194304  *  *
TEST1G8B           40W  FB    13421772   13421772   3  4194304  *  *
TEST1GBA          256B  FA     4194304    4194304   1  4194304  *  *
TEST1GBB          128W  FB     4194304    4194304   1  4194304  *  *
TEST1GBS            1B  BA  1073741824 2147483647   1  4194304  *  *
TEST2GBA          256B  FA     8388608    8388608   1  8388608  *  *
TEST2GBB          128W  FB     8388608    8388608   1  8388608  *  *
TEST2GBS            1B  BA  2147483647 2147483647   1  8388608  *  *
TEST5GBA          256B  FA    20971520   20971520   1 20971520  *  *
TEST5GBB          128W  FB    20971520   20971520   1 20971520  *  *

Kbytes /sec
        1gb   1gb   2gb   5gb   1gb   1gb   2gb   5gb   1gb   1gb
        bin   bin   bin   bin   asci  asci  asci  asci  byte  byte
        r 80  r256  r256  r256  r 80  r256  r256  r256  strm  strm
        ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
FTP     1670  1660  1522  1183   619   625   608   580  1672  1522
DSCOPY   871   866   858   844   865   881   880   852  fail  fail
((Seconds /60) /n Gb) {Minutes to transfer 1Gb}
        1gb   1gb   2gb   5gb   1gb   1gb   2gb   5gb   1gb   1gb
        bin   bin   bin   bin   asci  asci  asci  asci  byte  byte
        r 80  r256  r256  r256  r 80  r256  r256  r256  strm  strm
        ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
FTP     10.4  10.5  11.5  14.8  28.9  28.1  29.0  30.4  10.5  11.5
DSCOPY  20.3  20.3  20.4  20.7  20.2  20.0  20.0  20.7  fail  fail ======================================================================
1) The test above are run on 989-400 MPE 7.5 w/8190 Mb memory
   transferring to a 987-200 MPE 6.5 w/768 Mb memory over a isolated
   100BT Full Duplex switch.
2) Your Mileage Will Vary (YMWV) - The documented performance numbers
   are useful to evaluate the differences between DSCOPY and FTP in
   a controlled (isolated) environment, but these numbers will change
   with different systems, memory sizes, disc performance, network
   interface cards and link traffic levels (In this test the
   performance of the 987-200 is the obvious limiting factor).
3) Dscopy does not support 'byte stream' file transfers.  Error
   (NFT/3000 ERR 115).
4) With current patches FTPHD66/FTPHD67/FTPHD68 'byte stream' file
   transfer is as fast or faster than binary transfers.
5) Dscopy of 'typical' 80 byte or 256 byte ascii files is 30-35%
   faster than ftp.
6) Ftp of 'typical' 80 byte or 256 byte binary files is 30-45% faster
   than dscopy With current patches FTPHD66/FTPHD67/FTPHD68 installed.
7) Ftp performance does drop significantly as the file record length
   decreases for both ascii and binary file transfers.

Important fixes:
 1. 8606331712 FTP Byte stream performance fix.
 2. 8606328875 FTP Repair binary >4Gb.
 3. 8606299250 FTP Repair >40Gb & >4Gb performance Improvements.
 4. 8606269614 FTP Repair variable >3Gb.
 5. 8606294908 FTP Repair Inbound Unix & Nt >4Gb.

FTPHD66 for C.65.00 (Site Specific)
FTPHD67 for C.70.00 (Site Specific)
FTPHD68 for C.75.00 (Beta Test)

Note-1: When requesting the fix from the HP-Response Center, it is important to request the fix by SR number.
Note-2: Due to the lack of interest for the 6.5 and 7.0 fixes, they are still Site Specific.  We typically require additional problem verification before a Site Specific patch is sent by the HP-Response Center.

I hope this helps.


James Hofmeister
Email: <first>.<last>@hp.com
Hewlett Packard - Global Solutions Engineering (WTEC)
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily my employers.

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