On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 15:20:53 -0600, Chuck Ryan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> During these last two and one quarter years our government
>> spent billions of dollars and hundreds of lives (thousands if
>> you include
>> non-American) in a global effort to make the USA (and the
>> world) more secure. If one believes Ashcroft's announcement,
>> it appears that our efforts have met with less success than
>> all of us were hoping for. At least, relative to the cost.
>Actually, President Bush said the war on terrorism would be a long one
>so perhaps expecting victory in 2 years time is more than a bit
>optimistic on your part.
>> Perhaps our strategy is lacking one or more elements.
>> I suggest that our strategy include a serious effort to find
>> out WHY terrorists resort to such violent acts.
>Because their religious leaders and schools teach them that it is their
>duty to kill all non-Muslims and that they will be rewarded for suicide
>and murder.
>Of course, tossing the UN diplomats on a garbage scow and towing it out
>to international waters then bulldozing the UN headquarters building
>would be a great suggestion also. :>


then please recall Mr. Baker, so that Europe and other countries don't have
to pay for the mess that Mr. Bush leaves behind.
Why doesn't the US then solely pay for the re-construction of Afghanistan
and Iraq? That way, all the money can directly go to Halliburton and others
and you don't have to deal with the rest of the world.

friends don't let friends drive drunk but friends let friends go to war ;-)

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