"Brian Donaldson" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

[referring to my sample program showing a legal move of an alphanumeric data
item to a numeric data item]

> Based upon the info you gave, yes, it will work if the contents of the "X"
> field are numeric. However, with an "X" definition anything can be put in
> there, alpha or numeric data.

That is true.  However, it is also quite possible to put nonnumeric
characters in a data item that is defined as numeric (for example, an item
whose PICTURE character-string contains only the symbol '9').

> Your program won't give any problems provided the entire length of the "X"
> field is filled with all numeric. If you had put e.g. "1234567 " in
> that "X" field you would see a problem if the program was compiled with
> VALIDATE option in your $CONTROL statement at the top of the source code,

You would see the exact same problem if the sending operand were defined as
numeric but contained a nonnumeric character.


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