On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 13:30:13 -0500, Connie Sellitto <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>In response to Fred, after Michael, after Bill after Erik...  since
>we're all expressing our personal views -
>Why is it that some would consider Erik's comments (which I happen to
>agree with...) to be coming from a 'closed mind', but their own minds
>are not open to even the possibility of a God?  It seems it's always
>easy to call someone of differing views 'closed-minded', but where's
>the openness on the part of the person who is labeling someone else?
>As others have noted, this is a matter of belief/convictions/opinions
>which have been shaped by our observations, environment, upbringing
>and personal experience.  Not something we'll ever all agree on.


I never said, that I don't believe in "God" or a "higher spirit".
Yes, I hope there is something smarter and better than us and hopefully
something after "death".
What I don't believe in, is that "Christianity" that is preached in the
churches and by many others everwhere.
That is very close-minded and if you look/listen closely, full of hatred,
lies and hypocrits.
It is so convienent however. Hey, if I do wrong, I pray 3 "ave marie" or
give some money (often easier) and my sins are forgiven. So I can sin as
much as I want to.

Thanks but no-thanks at all

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