I think it was the Rock and Roll War, Levi Jeans and Bon Jovi that caused
the fall of the USSR. The USSR might be gone but the head of the KGB is in
charge now. The World Trade Center? What has that got to do with Iraq. The
Terrorist were funded by Prince Bandar and they were trained in Afghanistan
using weapons given to them by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. So where are
we fighting Terrorism? I am all for fighting Terrorism and I wish we would
do it. I can't imagine where you think we are fighting it. Give me the
location of that particular War. I would even support bringing back the
Draft if it meant wiping out the terrorist countries like Saudi Arabia,
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Of course I thing Draft age should be everyone
between 35-50 years old. Are you trying to say that you believe we are
fighting terrorism in Iraq? Let me tell you about some property I have

-----Original Message-----
From: Brice Yokem [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:00 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] OT: Veterans' Day 2003

I am a Johnny come lately on this topic but I have to ask. I guess I missed
the War we are waging to end terrorism. What are you referring to? Did we
invade Saudi Arabia and increase our Troop strength in Afghanistan while I
took a nap? Also, which War ended Communism in Cuba, China, Vietnam or
Russia? I missed that one too.


Dennis -

The USSR no longer exists in Russia, surely you know this?

If you mean it was not ended via a war, then I suggest many of the
wars fought including that in Afghanistan contributed to it's demise.

I cannot be you don't know about the World Trade Center and how that
sparked this involvement in the Middle East.

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