On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:34:18 -0500, Brice Yokem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Mr Yokem,
>yes, I would just be as upset.
>does this answer your question?
>Now I'd like an answer:
>are you upset with the way the peacefull and non-agressive freedom-of-
>speech is handled by or in the name of the president?
>If you would be just as upset, why did you say they should be arrested?

Very easy answer:
vandalism and destroying public or others people property has nothing to do
with free-speech. That is a criminal act.
The person who got arrested was jut holding up a sign to show his protest.
He did not use foul language neither did he destroy anybodys property.
However you threw him in a category with criminals when you made the
comparison with vandals.

>As far as how upset I am, I have already answered that question.

When and where did I miss that?

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