Hi Lee,

>It does.  Personally, I tend to think police and firefighters are heros, at
>least until I find that they are not.  It is their job to put their life at
>risk for the life and property of others and, as long as they do that job,
>they get my vote.

They get my vote for role models. When they do something heroic, they get my
vote for heroes.

> There are, however, more than a few who have walked away
>from their responsibility when the time to earn their pay came along.  Not
>only are they not heros, if it were up to me, they would be unemployed.

Precisely my sentiment about Jessica Lynch.

>Chuck, you may have understood Bjorn, but what I said was not what you
>think.  I was referring to those who have taken the government's money for
>years, all the time, knowing that there was a chance that they would be
>called on to go to war and, when the call came, did not fulfill their
>obligation.  Not everybody, volunteer or otherwise, went when called.

Don't know how many have gotten away with that, but I get your point.
