On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 08:52:59 -0400, Michael Doelle
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>El pez Bobo escribio:
>PB>Both LISTs are doomed if da mora^H^H^ majies have anything to do
>with it.<
>Lists? Entire countries. Never mind the universe.

I'll just keep my statement at its modest coverage.  :)

>Anyway, found your 2000 Cocos report.

In the August 2000 Scuba-SE archives.  On re-reading it, I can almost
talk myself into having an last FLING there.  :-)

>Good report. Cocos has been near the top of my 'list' for a long time.
>write my trip report about it in 12 months.

Why 12 months?   I thought you were going NEXT month, and then again
next year with your favorite roommate Viv.  :-)))

>And at the end of the report Bob said:
>PB>A Cocos NEDfest, anyone?

Dead silence.  I should've known that the MoraH whatever of this list
is much more interested in TALKING about places like this that they
don't know a damned thing about!   Just review what everyone said in
the thread in which two divers were lost the 2nd day of diving on
the Okeanos.

EVERYONE wanted to blame the Aggressor Fleet, the DM, the organization,
and everyone else except those DIVERS who should've known better that
its THEIR responsibility to dive safely!

Given that kind of irresponsible (or lack of self-responsibility)
attitude, I would STRONGLY suggest that those who felt that way should
STAY AWAY from Coco's or many other locations and sites in the world
that are "beyond their skill limits".

>Yup. A Mini-NEDfest at least. Viv and I are already booked on the Oct.
>12-22, 2004, trip. So far the rest of the boat is still available.

Tempting.  :-)   But I'll have to review again, when the time draws
nearer, whether it's still well within MY LIMITS, when Uncle Sam
will officially classify me as a "Senior Citizen".  :-)

>10 day trip, $3095. No special discounts for this one available as of

As for COST, you'll have to add on the 10-day trip ON THE AGGRESSOR
the airfare to San Jose, Costa Rica, a night or two of hotel stay
before or after the trip, and a $300 tip for the crew.  :-)

>Anyone else interested?

I would guess the answer is "definitely/probably/mebbee/wannabee ...
BUT I'll have already spent all my time/money on the La Paz trip ...
or some other excuse ..."
