Lest anyone should think that Brotha' Jeff (whom I baptized) would
ever use a term like that if he were not doing his "night dive" with
his buddy Ron (Barcardi) and pushed the wrong SEND button, here's
the post that explained the etymological origin of "Chink TUrd". :)

From: Reef Fish (Large Nassau Grouper) ([log in to unmask])
Subject: Re: Searching articles in scuba archives
View: Complete Thread (5 articles)
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Newsgroups: bit.listserv.scuba-l
Date: 1997/01/19

Brotha' Jeff pushed the wrong button and sang to the wrong choir,

> You chink turd, you left out my site :-)

That was supposed to be E-MAIL.  :-)    He had a history of such wrong
button pushing, but it was usually after midnight, after he has sipped
a few 30 cu-ft ponies worth of tequila with his Jamaican dive buddy
Brotha' Ron (Bacardi).   His party must've started early tonight, cuz
he pushed the wrong button at

>   Sat, 18 Jan 1997 20:17:45 -0500

Lest Brotha' Jeff dives to 5,500 ft (according to the Martini Law of
narcosis, each Martin equals 55 ft of depth) and get completely narked
for my failure to cite his site, let me add here that ONE of the "600
Links to Other SCUBA Pages" in my recommended

                Danno's Cozumel Home Page

does (under "People on the net") point to one Jeff Kell and his infamous
Cozumel Baptismal Report of 1994 from his page


and you can continue to


to find not only many of Brotha' Jeff's .gif and .jpg pics from Cozumel,
Freeport and Nassau, Bahamas, but some of Cochran's dirty laundry!  <G>

And last, but not least, the only .jpg of ME in ANY web or ftp site is in


because I sent that pic!    So there, Brotha' Jeff, I hope that
rectified my omission of your site in the preceding posting.   That will
be NP$800 pesos for this ad please.  :-)

-- Bob.

UNFORTUNATELY, all of the links mentioned in that 1997 post had long
been moribund because Jeff's "opus.admin.utc.edu" had kicked the
bucket a few years back.

Even the NED FUC page has disappeared without a trace.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh .... what's this world coming to??

ElPezNeivo -- the ORIGINAL Chink Turd!