In article <[log in to unmask]>, Wirt Atmar
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Shawn writes:
>> Nice that Blix is able to make such definitive statements in
>> a complete vacuum of information to support it.
>If there is one person on the planet most qualified to make those definitive
>statements, it is Hans Blix.
>Wirt Atmar

If you want to listen to an interesting 10 min interview with Hans Blix
on the BBC yesterday try the following replay links.

Quite balanced from Blix, sort of why there aren't likely to be any WMD
to be found, but why the Intelligence services might have found it hard
to believe.


Alan Yeo
[log in to unmask]    Just because you're paranoid
Phone +44 1684 291710   it doesn't mean someone isn't!.
Fax   +44 1684 291712

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