On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 19:49:26 +1000, Christian Gerzner
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> > Most would know that I'm not one for (diving) computers, that I like
>> > to use what's between my ears, empty or not. In this regard I ascribe
>> > to what Bob, Feesh, whatever moniker he's calling himself today,
>> > appears to say.
>My comment above as to the emptiness between my ears was meant to be
>humorous, obviously Bob did not see it that way and I'll leave it,
>particularly his comments, at that.

My comment was intended to be at least as humorous as yours, but it
was at best a tangential remark on the SERIOUS portion (in substance)
of my follow-up to your post, which you obviously completely overlooked.

This simply is an excellent illustration of Confucius's wisdom in:

Consufius say, "Man point to Moon.  Idiot see Finger."
