WHERE in Europe are you going?  Last year when I was in the UK, I bought a
cheap 900/1800 MHz GSM phone on eBay before leaving the US. Then, arriving
at Gatwick, I bought a Virgin Mobile prepaid starter kit for 20 pounds at
one of the electronics stores at the airport (Dixon's, I think).  That
included about 10 pounds of air time and a SIM card for the phone.

 - ESJ

"Vivino, David" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Question for European collegues:  I have a need to be in Europe for
> periods of time.  Rather than "rent" a cell phone here in the U.S. and pay
> up to $1.49 per minute while in Europe, there must be a better
> What options do I have if I were to enroll in a plan in Europe?  Here in
> states, the subscriber receives a certain number of free minutes each
> by paying a fixed monthly fee.  It would also be advantageous to make
> to the U.S. using the same phone if possible.  Can someone point me to
> resources on this subject and/or provide some personal input?
> Thanks!
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