At 9:02 AM -0700 8/8/2003, fred White wrote:

>On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 08:35 AM, Wyell Grunwald wrote:
>>Which brings up a good question - is it possible to have both jumbo's
>>and LFDS in the same database ?
>Oops. In a previous reply to this question, responded YES.
>I humbly (rare for me) apologize.

There are two kinds of people in this world:

1) Those who claim to "know" Fred from his postings and public comments.

2) Those who have had the pleasure (some, who may have been on the
   other side of an argument with Fred might not quite say "pleasure",
   but that's another thread :-) of working with Fred on strictly
   technical deep-down bits-and-bytes issues.

I may be vain in claiming that I belong to group (2), but I will claim
so, anyway.

Why the preamble?  Because ever since I have known Fred (this dates
back to the 1970s) he has ALWAYS been the first to admit his bugs and
he has always worked around the clock to correct them.  Fred is a
computer programmer of the first order and, as a consequence, he has
managed to create some first-order world-class bugs (the ones that are
devilishly difficult to track :-)  Only my bugs are more difficult to
chase than Fred's...

>Shortly thereafter I received and
>read Alfredo's response which was No and was explained.

For the record, Fred is the one who taught me (indirectly) how to say
"no" to incessant (and well-intentioned) requests for my time and
attention when I am in the middle of a mind-boggling and bewildering
challenge.  I asked Fred if he would be kind enough to teach me how
to say "no" and he answered, in typical Fred fashion, "no".  I learned
my lesson and I believe that I have even surpassed the master in
saying "no" :-)

>P.S. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if, way back then, the Lab had
>bitten the bullet and modified the file system to extend the size limit
>on files instead of resorting to the jumbo dataset kludge. That
>approach would have solved the file size limits for ALL files (except
>KSAM?) not just dataset files and would have made life simpler for

I see that Fred still doesn't miss an opportunity to give free
consulting to HP :-)

What would have happened if Fred had been named Fred Fiorina and had
had the opportunity of some sweet pillow talk with Carly?

 |               |
 |               |
 |            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
 |          e    |                 
 |        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego
 |      a        |  Manager, R & D Labs
 |    d          |  Adager Corporation
 |  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
 |               |

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