"Jeff Kubler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> To all;
> Is anyone using applications like NETOP Remote Control or the GOTOMYPC to
> access your desk top remotely?  If anyone is, what do you think of these
> products?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Hi Jeff,

I did get your message.  I'll respond to that privately.

Now to your question.  We have a semi-local client who lets me connect to
his HP via a remote desktop via the net.  I have XP.  The machine I connect
to is a WIN2000.  Once on his remote desktop I can use a terminal emulator
to connect to his HP(918).  File transfers are a 2 pass process now.
Fortunately I don't have to do that much.

I don't know how secure this is.  I suppose what I type in the emulator can
be sniffed on it way there, but I can't tell you of it is readable to the
sniffer or not.  Not my forte, or problem.  His machine.  I will tell you it
works real smooth.  I also don't know if I could take over his remote
machine via my access.  Not something I really consider.  Not good for
business if I were to have this behavior.

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