Oh Wirt, how can you know so much and be so ignorant of the love of God?
I don't even know where to begin to explain it to you (I don't
understand it all myself). Why do you hate God so much? Because He
doesn't run the universe the way you want Him to? Because He knows more
than you do and doesn't tell you the "why" of everything?

BTW there *are* scientists that want to destroy life. They hide it under
the guise of "saving lives". The only problem is they take the life of
someone else without their consent in order to do it. Stem cell research
is just one example.

Wirt Atmar wrote:
> Greg writes:
>>In brief, it seems that, yet again, someone without a formal religion
>>misunderstands religion, and mistakes what is religion for what is not.
> Bombs. Religion is all about bombs. And hatred. And fear. And excesses of
> piety. Lordy, give me some of that ole' time religion.
> People talk about "mad scientists," but in my 40 years of doing science, I've
> never met a single scientist who wanted to destroy the planet, life, or
> anyone else's career -- even when I worked in nuclear weapons. Mutual assured
> destruction was merely the most rational response that anyone could think of -- and
> it scared the sh*t out of everyone involved.
> But no one has any trouble finding religious kooks who want to destroy
> anything or anyone that disagrees with their idiosyncratic interpretations of
> heavenly ordinations.
> Religion is getting off far too easy in the public press.
> Bombs. Religion is all about bombs. And hatred. And fear. And excesses of
> piety. Lordy, give me some of that ole' time religion.
> Wirt Atmar
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