Would you like my bank account number, an open purchase order or a blank
cheque. Please be at least a bit subtle when soliciting.

In article <[log in to unmask]>, Gujjuweb
Inc <[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi Folks,
>Since No info was available on the Migration ( Not even in Gartner,
>Meta Group, etc ).. I think if everyone shares their view on the
>following questions, it will give everyone of us an idea of how
>critical is the HP Announcement in terms of IT Spending for MPE
>Rather than post in this newsgroup, please post on the Migration Group
>on Yahoo...
>a) Has your company started Migration Planning ?
>b) Is your HP3000 application a business critical one ?
>c) Is your current Manpower strength good eneough to carry out both
>   Support / Migration activities and upgrades ?
>d) Have you thought about .NET as target platform ? Rather than go for
>   and manage multiple vendors.. Just deal with Microsoft ?
>e) Can you current application be a right one to be offered as a web
>f) If at all you are planning to migrate - When are you starting the
>project ?
>g) If you have migrated out - which tools you had used, what is the
>target platform ? How much time and resources you used ? Budgets ?
>Lessons learned ?
>h) What part of the world our company operates ?
>i) How may mission critical applications you have on HP3000 ?
>j) What is your MPE staff strength ?Is any of your IT staff to retire
>before 2006 ?

Alan Yeo
[log in to unmask]    Just because you're paranoid
Phone +44 1684 291710   it doesn't mean someone isn't!.
Fax   +44 1684 291712

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