On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 19:12:12 +1000, Christian Gerzner wrote:

>Viv wrote:
>> On a stop-over in Taiwan where a couple of my doc friends were
>> attending a cleft, lip & palate conference I came across something
>> I hope to never, ever see again.  I became violently ill after
>> accidentally cutting through what I thought was a shopping mall.
>> It was actually Snake Alley .. where they slit the snakes live and
>> you drank the blood, they threaded live baby turtles on to skewers
>> and barbeque them live, etc, etc.
>Without trying to hand out lessons, it's a matter, Viv, of what you're
>used to. For example Christians (no, not me for a change) think
>nothing of eating pork yet Jews and Muslims would recoil in horror.

You missed the point of why I puked Christian - that the animals were still
ALIVE. That is what made me ill.  Re: eating pork - normally it's long dead
by the time someone carves it up ... the snakes I saw being drained of
their blood were still alive and twirling around in agony on the meat hooks.